UCDMC FP Resident Public Resources

Electronic Mail Discussion List
This is an electronic forum where you can post messages to your colleagues, read about upcoming events and goings-on, and generally keep connected. Use this convenient form to sign up.
Calendar o' Events
This is still experimental, but I am trying to create a central place for residents to manage their complex schedules. I will try to keep the calendar up-to-date, but I try to have a life as well. Anyone can post events, so feel free to add your own.
The AAFP Website
The department will pay for your AAFP membership. Go for it.
Dr. Jerant's suggested ecg resources.

Got any suggestions for this page, or ideas for other useful web tools? Drop your suggestion to the webmaster.

Date created: June 12, 2000
Last modified:
Copyright © 2000 Ron Risley